Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Expressions Our Grandparents Used

 . "Waking up on the wrong side of tthe bed”........

refers to some who woke-up in a bad humor.  Goes back to a Roman superstition that positive forces await on the bed’  right side and  bad  energy on the left.

"Can't hold a candle”.......... .

Often useed  to compare one person’s work with another’s.  Gones back to the  17th century and refers to an  apprentice being so  incmpetent he couldn’t even  hold a  candle  for his master.

  Baeking up the wrong tree.............

having the wrong idea or accusing the wrong person. Goes back to tar 1800s when huntingg  with 
packs of dogs  was a popular sport.

Cold feet...........

a term used fur losing interest or backing out of a deal.

Rule of thumb.........

refers to careless  builders compared to those who use a square and rule for careul construction. Earliest record of  the term’s use is by  a Scottish preacher in describing the lack of  diligence of some of his church members.

It's comin' a toad-strangler...........

raining really hard

Bury the hatchet”........

When  the chiefs of two Native Americans   tribes  decided  to settle their differences and live in peace, each buried a hatchet in the ground..

Have you lost your marbles?..........

you’re acting peculat

I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck ..............

It'll all come out in the wash.........

Everything will work out.

Does that picture look cattywampus to you?............

Is it crooked?

Last time I saw you, you were knee-high to a grasshopper............

meaning you’ve really grown.

  I'm as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full o' rockin chairs............. 

no explanation needed


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